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link offense defense

05 roommates attacks 2Slow Silver
23.02.19, 02:00:02


[TNR-SYN] Zeus from 05 roommates
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 0070000070000040002000001
casualties 0070000070000040002000001
Information The defender was supported by the artefact: The architects unique secret.
Information Stone Wall was not damaged.
Treasury was not damaged.
Information None of the attackers troops returned


[VR-NEAT] Audi from 2Slow Silver
Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops ???????????

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