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link offense defense

03 Непоседа scouts Логово Зверя
20.12.18, 12:59:53


[RHCР] Торопыжка from 03 Непоседа
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 00045480000000
casualties 000140000000
Information Lumber 5651 Clay 5522 Iron 6419 Crop 15336
Information Cranny 0


[Nirvana] 27sm from Логово Зверя
Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 0100001300000000
casualties 00000000000


Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 50057200003300000
casualties 00000000000


Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 692100052459900003
casualties 00000000000

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