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link offense defense

01 Камчатка scouts 365 клеток спустя
28.01.21, 10:59:02


[Inteam] Everyday from 01 Камчатка
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 00050000000000
casualties 000270000000
Rally Point Rally Point level 20
Palace Palace level 20
City Wall City Wall level 20


[BS] Faust from 365 клеток спустя
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 176363112120014081000012
casualties 00000000000


Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 09333000000003
casualties 00000000000


Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 2612353506120698000024
casualties 00000000000

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