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link offense defense

Midgard attacks Vigrid
13.11.19, 04:00:09


[Safari] Fenrir from Midgard
Mercenary Bowman Spotter Steppe Rider Marksman Marauder Ram Catapult Logades Settler hero
Troops 1300000000100
casualties 130000000000
Information The inhabitants of Vigrid decided to join your empire.
Bounty Lumber 0 Clay 0 Iron 0 Crop 0 | Capacity 0/5850


[Safari] Turka1 from Vigrid
Mercenary Bowman Spotter Steppe Rider Marksman Marauder Ram Catapult Logades Settler hero
Troops 00000000000
casualties 00000000000


Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 022000000000
casualties 022000000000

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