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link offense defense

S00 attacks 2 (-25,123)
15.07.19, 04:46:00


[SGR|RoD] Sereyvuth from S00
Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 003650000169534000200001
casualties 003138700145783440172000
Information Earth Wall destroyed
Cropland destroyed
Cropland destroyed
Bounty Lumber 74120 Clay 74629 Iron 75401 Crop 69282 | Capacity 293432/445650


[VICES S] The One from 2 (-25,123)
Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 000100000000
casualties 000100000000


Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 74933400014426145100001
casualties 74933400014426145100001

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