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link offense defense

Кожаный ублюдок scouts Moldova
11.10.19, 22:30:24


[СБЛ] Чубакка from Кожаный ублюдок
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 00070000000
casualties 00010000000
Information Lumber 4010 Clay 3405 Iron 3389 Crop 2508
Information Cranny 0


[RAGE] PashaDJM from Moldova
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 325025000000
casualties 00000000000


Rat Spider Serpent Bat Wild boar Wolf Bear Crocodile Tiger Elephant
Troops 2020222220
casualties 0000000000

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