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link offense defense

Гамбит raids
08.07.20, 02:29:58


[М-К] nikitosa89 from Гамбит
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 003700000260002100500000
casualties 00600400000
Information Stone Wall destroyed
Random target was selected.
Granary destroyed
Random target was selected.
Cropland destroyed
Bounty Lumber 0 Clay 2165 Iron 40425 Crop 33900 | Capacity 76490/3669420


[VIP] Keniglander from [?]
Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops 0003180000000
casualties 0003180000000


Rat Spider Serpent Bat Wild boar Wolf Bear Crocodile Tiger Elephant
Troops 158704007130
casualties 158704007130

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