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link offense defense

Obmennichek raids
12.05.19, 10:45:32


[OLYMPIA] Saturn from Obmennichek
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 30426037501945545200200001
casualties 10301012706618776868000
Information City Wall destroyed
Granary destroyed
Warehouse destroyed
Bounty Lumber 7 Clay 6 Iron 7 Crop 800 | Capacity 820/1288210


[Bifrost] Heimdall from [?]
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 000000046000
casualties 000000046000


Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 02778304800000000
casualties 02778304800000000

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