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link offense defense

02 Доброе утро scouts 02
22.12.18, 02:00:07


[HYPE!] Бешенный_ГАЛ from 02 Доброе утро
Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 0010000000000
casualties 00000000000
Information Lumber 1510 Clay 11454 Iron 55568 Crop 26835
Information Cranny 0


[АNIMАLS] Calypso35 from 02
Maceman Spearman Axeman Scout Paladin Teutonic Knight Ram Catapult Chief Settler hero
Troops 014215002628000002
casualties 00000000000


Phalanx Swordsman Pathfinder Theutates Thunder Druidrider Haeduan Ram Trebuchet Chieftain Settler hero
Troops 17557000540550000018
casualties 00000000000

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