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link offense defense

Whitesnake attacks 01 Замок на обочине
28.02.20, 17:18:27


[KIT] Fido from Whitesnake
Legionnaire Praetorian Imperian Equites Legati Equites Imperatoris Equites Caesaris Battering ram Fire Catapult Senator Settler hero
Troops 27601323407249010680001
casualties 27601323407249010680001


[Чудики] Маелнор from 01 Замок на обочине
Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops ???????????


Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops 00002163000000
casualties 0000466000000


Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops 00003625000000
casualties 0000782000000


Slave Militia Ash Warden Khopesh Warrior Sopdu Explorer Anhur Guard Resheph Chariot Ram Stone Catapult Nomarch Settler hero
Troops 1000230523100001
casualties 000050112800000

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